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Skribble at ECO STOR: Close key account contracts in one click

Published on November 16, 2022 · Updated on January 4, 2024
Jasmine Oeschger
Jasmine Oeschger
Jasmine Oeschger
Jasmine Oeschger

ECO STOR, developer and general contractor for the construction of battery storage systems, is finalising various construction contracts with revenues in the seven-figure range and saves time and costs long term. The German company uses Skribble in sales and signs mainly major client contracts using the qualified electronic signature (QES).

We were looking for a solution with maximum validity, security, ease of use and good support. Skribble’s QES meets all these requirements – it’s all we could want.

Georg Gallmetzer, Managing Director, ECO STOR


[Skribble] Mr Gallmetzer, how did you get involved with e-signing?

[Georg Gallmetzer] In April 2021, we found a new entrepreneurial set-up at ECO STOR that offered us the chance to rethink our company processes. As part of this, we opted for a paperless, more sustainable future without media discontinuity. Last but not least, we also wanted to make better use of the benefits brought about by the requirement to work from home or remotely.

Does that mean working from home was the main motivation behind using e-signing? 

Not exactly. The implementation of e-signing at ECO STOR was also needed because our first major client required electronic signing to conclude the contract. So switching to an e-signing tool was crucial.

The client was already using an e-signature provider, but they didn’t accept us for cost reasons. 

Why did you choose Skribble?

After doing some research, I had a few e-signing providers on the table. Some were too expensive, while others were cheap, but didn’t offer QES. Skribble is different: everything here matched the model we wanted to use perfectly. We were particularly impressed at the start: 

  • Expert advice 
  • 14-day, no-obligations free trial
  • Ready to use 
  • Easy to handle 
  • Import of digitally signed documents and addition of your own signatures
  • All e-signature standards available: SES, AES and above all QES

ECO STOR closes the last gap to paperless and media break-free work with the e-signature. (Image source: Skribble)


Which e-signature package does ECO STOR use today?

We chose Skribble with a package of 600 signatures per year. As an API connection is currently not an option for us, we sign via browser.

How do you use Skribble’s e-signature?

In most cases, we work with a qualified electronic signature (QES). At ECO STOR, this is used in sales, i.e. for management contracts or major client contracts with contract volumes in the seven- to eight-figure range.

So you’re mainly using Skribble with external parties. What has your experience been in that respect? 

Yes, that’s right. We mainly use Skribble for contracts with major clients in Europe and with suppliers from Europe and East Asia (including China and Korea). We also have authorised signatories in other countries such as the USA. We had very high demands when it came to signing with external parties. Each one has been met.

We were looking for a solution with maximum validity, security and ease of use. Skribble meets all these requirements – it’s all we could want. 

Under the law, the QES requires a one-time identity check using an official proof of identity. How did you manage this internally and externally? 

We used the video identification process because it seems easy to handle and verifiably secure.

We had very high demands when it came to signing with external parties. Each one has been met.

Georg Gallmetzer, Managing Director, ECO STOR

Result and next steps

Looking back, how has using Skribble’s e-signature benefited you? 

In the beginning, our main focus was the first order. Skribble provided us with an e-signing tool that was ready to use straight away and enabled us to complete this major project successfully. 

We’re glad to hear that! Why are you still a satisfied Skribble customer, one year after completing this major project? 

There are two main reasons: 

  • signing with external parties – no matter where they are in the world – works flawlessly. 
  • We save on resources: we want to do away with using paper in contractual processes. Today, signing a contract with just one click instead of printing and initialing hundreds of pages allows us to save not only time, but also money.  

And which features do you find most impressive? 

The ‘Add an observer’ feature has proven to be very helpful. For example, we add lawyers from the buyer party as observers to allow us to have a ‘trusted party’ on board, so to speak, which ensures even more trust. This is going very well and we wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Another feature that we really value is the ‘Visual signature’. Often, you can’t do much with the certificate alone. The visual signature with QR code establishes the trust needed – so I feel like what is happening technically in the background actually works. 

What next steps are planned? 

One step we would like to take would be to use Skribble’s e-signature in purchasing. This is still a bit difficult at the moment, as many of our suppliers are still lagging behind in terms of digitalisation and prefer to print, sign and send contracts by post multiple times. 

We’re hoping that this will change soon and that we’ll also be able to sign supplier contracts using Skribble’s QES, for example, with partners in China. After all, this would benefit all those involved, such as in terms of efficiency gains, cost reductions and paper savings.


ECO STOR GmbH is a general contractor dealing in the development, construction and operation of battery storage systems. We supply large turnkey projects as an investment opportunity for energy suppliers and renewable funds because we believe that private investment plays a key role in creating a sustainable and independent energy supply. ECO STOR GmbH is a German foundation of the Norwegian company ECO STOR AS.

Image source: ECO STOR, Eisenach

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