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E-signature is booming: 1000% more Skribble users since the start of the pandemic

Published on May 14, 2021 · Updated on March 19, 2024
Kira Leuthold
Kira Leuthold
(Source: Unsplash)
Kira Leuthold
Kira Leuthold

We have always been convinced that the electronic signature will replace the handwritten signature in the medium term – that is why Skribble exists in the first place.

However, we had not foreseen the extreme surge that accelerated the change last year.

Tenfold increase in signers in one year

The number of users on Skribble has grown rapidly: since the beginning of the pandemic in spring 2020, it has increased tenfold.

Working from home was the main reason for the extra growth. Collaborating with colleagues and providing services to clients suddenly had to take place remotely.

Signing documents was often the only reason that forced employees back to the office. Be it for internal paperwork such as employment contracts, or external documents such as sales contracts with customers – paper piles were patiently waiting in the office to be processed.

As a result, companies with whom we were already in talks concluded contracts faster and enquiries from interested new companies filled our inbox – it was obvious – signing from the comfort of your home had to become possible, and quickly. For enhanced security and privacy while handling sensitive documents remotely, many users turned to using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to ensure secure connections and protect their data from potential threats.

"Moving towards more remote work, regular contract renewals and dual signature requirements resulted in an extremely time-consuming signing process built around a lot of paperwork. Skribble enables us to sign employment contracts and NDAs in a breeze – paper-free and regardless of time and place."

Simon Wehrli, CTO, Twint (Source: Twint)

We are proud and grateful that our solution has made a difference by contributing to overcoming this crisis during this exceptional time.

The competitive advantage of e-signing will persist beyond the pandemic

With Skribble, companies from all over Europe sign legally binding contracts from the comfort of their homes. Not only does it make for efficient internal workflows, but it also enables companies to provide their services without interruption.

The competitive advantage of e-signing will remain far beyond the pandemic as it allows people to work from any location and yields considerable cost savings and efficiency gains.

"With an average of 25 to 100 francs spent on signing a contract by hand and thousands of yearly signed contracts, as estimated by some companies, there is quite a bit of savings potential for businesses."

brand eins /thema IT-Dienstleister 2021

E-signing helps companies save time and money compared to processes based on paper and ink (Source: Skribble)

The potential of seamless digital processes

The reasons that kept our growing Customer Success team busy well before the pandemic even began are the same across industries:

  • Reduce costs: Companies cut their signing spend by up to 80% thanks to more efficient processes and lower direct costs.
  • Sign faster: Within seconds, all parties have the current version of the contract and can sign it with just a few clicks.
  • Work more efficiently: Companies enable time-saving, paperless processes that do not involve media discontinuity for their employees, customers and partners.
  • Sign from any location: No matter where the signing parties are located: from employees at home to suppliers in Asia, they can sign in a breeze on their smartphone or computer.

The goal: seamless digital business processes, enabled by e-signatures, which are the last missing piece of the puzzle for many companies.

"Most of our customers want to do business completely electronically. Thanks to Skribble's solution, we can serve our customers quickly and easily, whether they are in the office, on the road or at home."

David Ribeaud, CEO Specialty Markets, Helvetia (Source: Helvetia)

Sign legally valid with
a few clicks

Worldwide usage, hosted in Switzerland.

You can test Skribble for free.
No credit card needed.
Available in English, German and French.